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5 Steps for Managing Diabetes | Type 1 and Type 2

We’ll walk you through five steps to help you manage your diabetes so you can live a life you love. Written by: US MED Staff  Clinically Reviewed by: Shirley DeLeon, RD, CDCES Managing diabetes isn’t always easy. The process of dealing with this condition comes with all sorts of inconvenient testing requirements and dietary changes –…

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Type 1 diabetes vs Type 2 diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes vs Type 2 Diabetes

What is the Difference Between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes? If you’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you’re probably searching for clear answers about the differences between Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. We know it can feel overwhelming, so we’re here to help distinguish between these two forms of the condition.…

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how to manage stress and high blood sugar

Can Stress Raise Blood Sugar? | A Guide to Managing Stress and Diabetes

If you suspect stress may be affecting your ability to manage your diabetes, you’re not alone. Medical professionals have looked into possible connections between stress and diabetes since the 17th century. Today, scientific research indicates there may very well be a direct link between these two issues. Anyone who’s wondered “can stress and anxiety cause…

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The Future of Diabetes Management: Why CGM and GLP-1s are a Symbiotic Pair

As a leader in the diabetes supplies industry, I have a front-row seat to the evolving landscape of care. One prominent discussion centers on the rise of GLP-1 semaglutide for type 2 diabetes. While some may see this as a threat to continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology, I believe the opposite is true: GLP-1s and CGM…

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Different Types of CGM: A Complete Guide

What is the Best Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) for Your Diabetic Needs? It’s a fact of life – people with diabetes need to check their glucose levels every so often. In the past, that meant doing multiple finger-prick tests per day. But these tests are inconvenient and painful, so it’s not hard to see why…

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