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Prediabetes: Key Risk Factors and Effective Lifestyle Changes

If you’re at risk for type 2 diabetes, you may develop a condition known as “prediabetes” first. Here’s US MED’s guide to prediabetes management. Written by: US MED Staff  Clinically Reviewed by: Shirley DeLeon, RD, CDCES Many people who get diagnosed with type 2 diabetes feel like this disease came out of nowhere. In reality, that…

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CGM Devices

How to Apply a CGM Sensor

It’s no secret that continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are popular among people with diabetes these days. If you’re wondering, “how is CGM inserted?,” keep reading for a complete guide to CGM installation and more. 

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Managing Diabetes and Depression: Strategies for Your Mental Health

Both diabetes and depression can be difficult conditions to manage – and that’s especially true when you’re dealing with both at the same time. Get advice on how to cope from US MED. 

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Managing Diabetes When You’re Sick: Essential Tips

Many aspects of everyday life are more difficult when you’re managing diabetes, and that includes taking care of other illnesses. While colds and the flu can be inconvenient for anyone, having diabetes can increase your odds of getting seriously sick. Meanwhile, these conditions put extra stress on your body, potentially increasing your blood sugar levels…

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how to manage stress and high blood sugar

Can Stress Raise Blood Sugar? | A Guide to Managing Stress and Diabetes

If you suspect stress may be affecting your ability to manage your diabetes, you’re not alone. Medical professionals have looked into possible connections between stress and diabetes since the 17th century. Today, scientific research indicates there may very well be a direct link between these two issues. Anyone who’s wondered “can stress and anxiety cause…

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The Link Between Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: What You Need to Know

Maintaining optimal cardiovascular health is paramount for individuals navigating life with diabetes. It’s a reality that those managing diabetes face an increased likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases (CVD), such as heart disease and stroke. In fact, CVD accounts for a significant portion of mortality among individuals with type 2 diabetes, comprising two-thirds of all deaths…

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How to Care for Diabetes: A Guide for Families and Caregivers

Navigating the journey of diabetes care can be complex, but with the right knowledge and support, managing diabetes becomes more manageable. At US MED, we’re dedicated to empowering families and caregivers with essential insights on how to care for diabetes, especially for aging loved ones who face unique challenges with their condition. No matter who…

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The Future of Diabetes Management: Why CGM and GLP-1s are a Symbiotic Pair

As a leader in the diabetes supplies industry, I have a front-row seat to the evolving landscape of care. One prominent discussion centers on the rise of GLP-1 semaglutide for type 2 diabetes. While some may see this as a threat to continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology, I believe the opposite is true: GLP-1s and CGM…

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Best Blood Glucose Meters for 2024 | A Curated Guide

For people with diabetes, blood glucose meters aren’t just helpful—these devices are an essential component of any worthwhile diabetes management strategy. Still, some glucometers are better than others, so we’re here to shine a light on the best glucose meters on the market. And since you’ll be using your meter so often, it’s wise to…

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Having a Social Life and Navigating Events with Diabetes

Having a Social Life and Navigating Events with Diabetes

Managing diabetes can be difficult enough as it is. This is US MED’s guide on how to balance diabetes management and still have a fun time.

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Woman packing suitcase

Traveling with Diabetes: Tips for a Smooth Journey and Blood Sugar Control

Planning a trip is stressful, but managing your diabetes makes it even more challenging. US MED has all the tips you need, so you can get into vacation mode.

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Affectionate African mother talking to her small daughter while saying goodbye before going to school for the first time.

Going Back to School with Diabetes

Back-to-school season can be stressful for any parent, and there’s even more to worry about if your child has diabetes. This comprehensive guide from US MED can help make sure your prepared.

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Female doctor and senior man

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Find out more about Diabetic Neuropathy, including the causes, symptoms, and ways to avoid and treat this well-known diabetes complication.

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staying active at work

Shoes, Diabetes, and Foot Health

Foot problems are common in people with diabetes, and wearing the right shoes is a great way to keep your feet safe. Learn more with US MED.

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Mushroom Soup with sherry

Mushrooms and Diabetes: How Can Mushrooms Help with Blood Sugar Levels?

Learn more with US MED’s guide to adding mushrooms to your diabetes diet and discover how this food can help keep your blood sugar in check. 

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Woman and child with diabetes talking

Tips for People Newly Diagnosed with Diabetes

When you have newly diagnosed diabetes, knowing your next steps is crucial. Here are US MED’s tips for living with diabetes.

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People talking in a circle diabetes support group

Diabetes Support Groups: Why Are They Important?

If you’re curious about diabetes support groups but don’t know how to get started, US MED can help. Here, you’ll find our comprehensive overview. 

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woman sleeping

How Does Diabetes Affect Sleep?

Are you wondering “how does diabetes affect your sleep?”. This is US MED’s overview of how sleep and diabetes type 2/type 1 intersect. 

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diabetes and family support

Being a Parent with Diabetes

When you know how to deal with diabetes, you’ll find it easier than ever to live with diabetes and raise your kids along the way. Here, you’ll find US MED’s advice for parents with diabetes. 

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Man injecting insulin

How to Handle an Insulin Overdose

If you’re asking yourself “can you overdose on insulin?,” you should know this is a real possibility. Here’s the US MED guide to handling an insulin overdose.

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Diabetes Supplies Online

Managing Diabetes While in College

 Are you wondering how to manage diabetes as a new college student? If so, keep reading for valuable diabetes/college advice. You’ll find US MED’s complete guide to living with diabetes in college right here. 

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Dexcom G7 Sensor Applicator

Dexcom G7 Release Date, Features & Cost Insights

Are you interested in learning more about the Dexcom G7 and what distinguishes it from other CGMs available today? If so, you’re in luck. Take a look at our complete overview of this exciting new product!

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Woman and Man Riding Bike

Know Your Diabetes ABCs | US MED

Learning essential diabetes management steps can make managing this disease far simpler. Learn the ABCs of diabetes with US MED.

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Dexcom G6 Sensor and Dexcom G7 Sensor

Dexcom G6 vs. Dexcom G7: What You Need to Know

Learn about the latest news on Dexcom G7, how it compares to the Dexcom G6, and how to get through US MED.

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woman testing Blood pressure

Does Diabetes Cause High Blood Pressure?: Understanding Between High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

If you’re wondering, “can diabetes cause high blood pressure?” or “how can I control high blood pressure with diabetes?,” read on for all the answers you need.

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Diabetes Sweating Connection: Why Does Diabetes Make You Sweat?

Diabetes may cause you to sweat more than usual. Learn more on how diabetes and sweating are connected in the article below.

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pregnant woman cutting fruit

Gestational Diabetes : What Should You Eat When You’re on a Healthy Meal Plan?

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes may be the most well-known forms of diabetes, but they aren’t the only diabetes types you should be aware of. During pregnancy, you may experience a condition known as “gestational diabetes.”

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A1C Test US MED Article

A1C Overview: What is A1C? | US MED

One reliable method of diagnosing diabetes is the hemoglobin A1C test. If you’re asking yourself, “What is A1C testing, anyway?” Learn more with US MED.

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Family sitting on couch

Diabetes Symptoms: What You Need to Know

Diabetes management isn’t always an easy task, but you’ll need to work hard at it. Learn about diabetes symptoms and management with US MED.

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woman with doctor

Diabetes Rash: Appearance & Prevention

Diabetes can lead to complications in other areas, one of these being your skin. Learn more about what skin complications to be on the lookout for. 

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Woman with insulin pump

Hypoglycemia Symptoms, Causes and Treatments for Diabetics

Hypoglycemia is the term that is used for low blood sugar. Learn more about how people with diabetes can treat hypoglycemia.  

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foot care

Diabetic Foot Pain and Soreness Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

It’s important to know how diabetes and foot care are interlinked. Learn how to help prevent foot problems that can come with diabetes

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How to Choose a Glucose Meter

How to Choose a Glucose Meter

Need to buy a new blood glucose meter? It’s essential to make sure you’re getting a glucometer that’s a good fit for your needs. Read on for frequently asked questions, simple instructions, and a brand analysis.

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man and woman walking

Building a Diabetes Care Plan

There’s a lot that goes into managing diabetes, including everyday personal care, lab tests, and going to the doctor. Use our template to stay on track to manage your diabetes.

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Insulin Site Injections

Where to Inject Insulin & How to Keep Insulin Injection Sites Healthy

Studies have shown that almost two-thirds of all people who inject insulin have some degree of lipohypertrophy – thickening or rubbery skin at injection sites. Here, we discuss ways to avoid lipo and things to look out for.

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Woman with Type-2 diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes | Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects blood sugar levels in your body. Learn more about type 2 diabetes symptoms, causes, risk factors, and prevention.

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Man cutting vegetables

Diabetes Management | Living With Diabetes

Are you living with diabetes? We’ll walk you through some healthy lifestyle and routine choices that can help you better manage diabetes.

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woman rubbing calf

Improving Circulation After DVT | DVT Recovery & Treatment

Help avoid a DVT and improve circulation in your legs. Learn all about how to reduce your risk of developing deep vein thrombosis.

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Cultivate Your Motivation

How to Quiet Your Mind | Mental Health Matters

Your mental health is equally important as your physical health. Let’s review methods one can use to reduce anxiety, lessen the feelings of stress, and quiet the mind.

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how to do a fasting blood glucose test

How To Do a Fasting Blood Glucose Test

One of the most common methods of blood glucose testing involves checking fasting glucose levels – this can provide valuable insight on whether or not a person’s body is using blood sugar correctly. In this article we’ll discuss methods to accurately perform a fasting blood glucose test.

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juvenile diabetes

Diabetes in Children | Symptoms, Types, & Management

If you’re a parent, the possibility of your child having diabetes can be alarming, but there’s no need to panic. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know, from symptoms to look out for to steps you can take to help treat diabetes in children.

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Coffee & Diabetes: Is It Safe To Drink

Coffee & Diabetes: Is It Safe To Drink?

There are many misconceptions about consuming coffee and diabetes. Can one have too much? Is it safe? Are there health benefits? Should it be decaf? This piece delves deep into the specifics of coffee and diabetes.

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Will New Connecticut State Laws On Diabetes Prescription Supplies Impact You

Will New Connecticut State Laws On Diabetes Prescription Supplies Impact You?

A recently-approved Connecticut law will make it easier for diabetes patients in the state to access prescription supplies. Take a look at how this change could impact the lives of Connecticut residents – and what it could eventually mean for residents of other states.

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What Are The Effects of Diabetes When Not Managed Properly

What Are The Effects of Diabetes When Not Managed Properly?

Your heart, brain, eyes, and feet are some of the body parts that are most impacted by poorly managed diabetes. Read on to learn more about protecting your whole health!

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Catheter FAQs

The Most Common Catheter Questions

We’re covering everything you can imagine, from catheter care to your favorite brands. Learn more about what you really want to know.

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Straight Catheters

10 Tips for Living with a Long-Term Catheter

Wondering how to safely live with a long-term catheter? In this article, we’ll take you through 10 tips that long-term catheter users should keep in mind. By following these tips for living with a catheter – male or female – you’ll be able to mitigate health risks such as UTIs and blockages.

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Simple Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

Simple Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

Getting a sufficient amount of quality sleep can be difficult for many, but a few changes can have a significant impact, according to the Mayo Clinic. Much of the requirement for getting a good night’s rest revolves around controlling the environment in which a person is sleeping and developing routines that aid a person in…

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Medicare AADE

The Medicare Competitive Bid Program

As a component of the Center of Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Competitive Bidding Program, diabetes testing supplies (DTS) are provided through mail order at a substantial discount for people with diabetes (PWD).  PWD must be enlisted in Medicare Part B to qualify for mail order service.  Covered DTS include blood glucose meters, replacement batteries for…

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9 Steps to Better Catheter Management

9 Steps to Better Catheter Self-Management

We share the 9 steps that every catheter user should know. Self-manage your catheter with these safety steps.

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Back Braces

Advantages of Wearing a Back Brace

Chronic back pain is a condition that plagues many people, young and old. This explains why so many people find themselves using back support braces for additional support. A study by The University of Maryland Medical Center states that 60 to 80% of adults in the U.S. have lower back pain, which is also the…

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