October 20, 2020
Best Diabetes Apps
We've taken the guesswork out of diabetes apps by selecting a few of our favorites. Read through this selection and see which diabetes apps made our "best of" list!
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Let’s answer the question: what is the best app for people with diabetes?
It doesn’t matter if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes: managing your care can be complex and includes counting calories, counting carbs, and closely monitoring your activity for impact on your blood sugar levels. Whew! It’s a lot to take on. But can an app really simplify your life enough to make using one worthwhile?
Before diving into the apps, let’s discuss why using an app is a good idea. If you’re living with diabetes, prioritizing your health is a must. There is research that shows using an app for diabetes can improve your health, lead to weight loss and lower A1C levels. Sounds good, right? Furthermore, many of the apps we list below are compatible with the latest in diabetes technology, so using these apps with your insulin pump or CGM can help you get the most out of your device.
With all of that in mind, we’ve provided the latest listing of free apps rated as the best for people with diabetes. Because diabetics have different needs, we’ve categorized these into “best of” segments so you can more readily find the best app to fit your lifestyle. You may find yourself using more than one of the apps listed below as many of these apps serve different purposes. Let us know if any of the apps outlined below have helped you or someone you love manage their diabetes care.
Most User-Friendly App for People with Diabetes
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UnderMyForkhttps://undermyfork.com/ This app saves you from having to type in every morsel of food you eat. Instead, just snap a pic from your iPhone and UnderMyFork actually combines your meal photo with your CGM (continuous glucose monitor) data to provide valuable insight into how the food you eat will impact your blood glucose levels and time in range. Moreover, because this app syncs with your Dexcom or FreeStyle Libre data, you’re getting a much more holistic picture of the affect your food has on your blood sugar levels. |
Best Omnipod App for People with Diabetes
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OmniPod DISPLAYhttps://www.omnipod.com This app is a must-have for Omnipod users! Not only does it take all of your Omnipod system info and add it to your smartphone, it also offers handy features such as “Find My PDM” to help locate misplaced devices. Furthermore, this app is compatible with the Dexcom CGM so you can have all of your data on a single screen. You can also use the Omnipod VIEW app to invite 12 caregivers/friends to view your shared data on their own smartphones. Truly one of the best apps for people living with diabetes! |
Best App for All
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Medical ID: In Case of Emergencyhttps://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207021 This one is a no-brainer because it’s so simple, yet can literally be a lifesaver. If there is an emergency, this app quickly provides all of your medical details if you are unable to do so yourself. Medical ID will share your vital detail with first responders and is available from the lockscreen on your phone. Additionally, you can add everything from allergies and blood type to medical contacts and you won’t need to worry about trying to cram everything into a medical ID bracelet. This app definitely makes the list for best app for diabetics! |
Best Diabetes App for the FreeStyle Libre and Libre 2 CGM
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FreeStyle LibreLinkhttps://www.freestylelibre.us/system-overview/continous-glucose-monitor-app.html This app is a great tool for monitoring your CGM data directly from your smartphone. Containing many of the same features as the FreeStyle’s readers, the LibreLink allows you to scan your FreeStyle Libre sensor with your phone to see your real-time glucose information, including your trend arrows and glucose history for the last 8 hours. In addition, if your family and caregivers are using the LibreLinkUp app, you can automatically send your shared data from the LibreLink app. If you’re using the FreeStyle Libre, you’ll get the most out of your CGM by using this app. Learn more about the FreeStyle Libre here. |
Best Diabetes App for the Dexcom G6 CGM
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Dexcom CLARITYhttps://www.dexcom.com/clarity Data, data, and more data…all available to share with your physician at the click of a button. We love the CLARITY app for G6 users as it simplifies reporting and provides users-friendly tools to make sense of your health insights. Moreover, CLARITY has a compare feature to help you make improvements to your glucose over time. By identifying problem areas you’ll be better equipped to evaluate if your diabetes management solutions are truly working. Even better, your physician can help you review your patterns and make truly informed decisions to your diabetes care. |
Best Food Rating App for People with Diabetes
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Fooducatehttps://www.fooducate.com/ Here’s something that people with diabetes know: not all foods are created equal. That’s why we’re including Fooducate on the list. Fooducate gives the food you enter into the app a grade based on calorie quality. Not only does this app educate you to keep your blood sugar in range by making better informed decisions on the foods you eat, this app helps users see patterns between food consumption and blood glucose levels. Knowing more about the hidden ingredients in foods will help people with diabetes avoid pitfalls that can lead to unwanted spikes in blood sugar. Definitely a win-win for those looking for an app that goes beyond calorie counting. |
Best Relaxation App
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Relax: Stress and Anxiety Reliefhttps://www.saagara.com/apps/breathing/relax Let’s switch gears and focus on mental health. We’re including the Stress and Anxiety Relief App in the best apps for people with diabetes list because being healthy and managing your care doesn’t stop at the body. Taking care of yourself means taking care of your stress too. Having said that, this app does just that with short guided meditation or deep breathing exercises that have an almost immediate effect. For example, using this app could lead to better sleep, improve your focus and even improve stamina. We like it because it can be difficult to prioritize your relaxation and this app makes it easier to integrate wellness exercises into your everyday life. Try it to add that daily dose of zen you’ve been missing. |
Whether you’re looking to simplify your food logging or trying to get the most out of your diabetes technology, we hope these suggestions have been helpful. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to diabetes care so feel free to pick and choose from these apps. In addition, if you have questions about using any of these with your Omnipod insulin pump or G6/FreeStyle Libre CGMs, our helpful staff is ready to assist you! Send us a message on Facebook or give us a call at 1-866-723-6958. We’re here to help!