September 5, 2017

Are you Prepared for Hurricane Season?

In preparation for Hurricane Season, we wanted to provide our extended community with a list of items to have on hand to best deal with the multiple outcomes the storm may bring: The National Hurricane Center suggests having the following…

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Home / Living with Diabetes / Are you Prepared for Hurricane Season?

In preparation for Hurricane Season, we wanted to provide our extended community with a list of items to have on hand to best deal with the multiple outcomes the storm may bring:

The National Hurricane Center suggests having the following materials on hand:

  • Water: At least 1 gallon of water per person/ animal per day for at least 3 days.
  • Food: At least a 3-day supply of non-perishable food.
  • Radio: A battery-powered radio with NOAA weather radio tone alert and extra batteries.
  • Flashlight: Make sure you have extra batteries as well.
  • First Aid Kit
  • Manual can opener: If the electricity is out, you would need some way to open your canned food.
  • Cellphone: Make sure you have extra battery packs or a solar charger to keep your phone on.
  • Prescription medications
  • Glasses
  • Cash
  • Important family documents: Make sure you have copies of insurance policies and some form of state-issued ID.
  • Sturdy shoes: Think about pulling out those rain boots and sneakers.
  • Pet supplies: Your pets will need enough food and water to also weather out the storm with you.


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