June 21, 2017

How To Keep Your Energy Level High All Day

If your energy level varies from high to low during the day, making adjustments to your diet can help. According to Weill Cornell Medical Center, food increases energy in three ways. It provides enough calories for your body to run;…

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How To Keep Your Energy Level High All Day

Home / Living with Diabetes / How To Keep Your Energy Level High All Day

If your energy level varies from high to low during the day, making adjustments to your diet can help.

According to Weill Cornell Medical Center, food increases energy in three ways. It provides enough calories for your body to run; it delivers stimulants like caffeine; and it pushes your metabolism to burn fuel more efficiently.

Complex carbs

Foods that are high in complex carbohydrates and low in fats are ideal to promote, increase and level out energy. They are found in whole grains, peas, beans and vegetables like carrots, broccoli, green peppers and tomatoes.

These foods also contain fiber, which slows digestion, providing you with a steady supply of energy throughout the day. Fiber is found in beans, whole fruits, vegetables and whole grain bread and cereal.

One caution: Never go more than three or four hours without eating something, because that will bring a big drop in energy. Always eat breakfast. To save time, try a whole wheat bagel or toast with peanut butter, a hard-boiled egg or whole grain cereal.

Simple carbs

Foods that are high in simple carbohydrates make your energy spike, then plunge soon thereafter. They include candy, foods made with refined flour, such as bread, crackers, cookies, and some cereals and deserts.

Animal and dairy products that are high in fats can slow you down and make you feel sluggish.

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