August 21, 2017

Special Education for Children Living with Paralysis

August is the month of back to school. Stores are busy, traffic is back, and it’s time to place that alarm clock at least 1 hour before than your regular time. For parents with children living with paralysis, back to…

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August is the month of back to school. Stores are busy, traffic is back, and it's time to place that alarm clock at least 1 hour before than your regular time. For parents with children living with paralysis, back to school means a lot more planning and preparation. It is important that you understand your child's access to education.

Special Education

According to, Special Education Programs are designed for those students who are mentally, physically, socially and/or emotionally delayed. Due to these special requirements, student's needs are not met within a traditional classroom environment. A child with disabilities can access special education from birth to age 21 through the Early Intervention Program (birth to age 3) and your local school district (age 3 to 21).

Scholarship Opportunities for Children living with Paralysis

American Association on Health and Disability
The on AAHD Frederick J. Krause Scholarship Health and Disability is awarded annually to a deserving  student with a disability who is pursuing undergraduate/graduate studies (must be at least enrolled as a Junior in college) in an accredited university who is pursuing studies related to the health and disability, to include, but not limited to  public health, health promotion, disability studies, disability research, rehabilitation engineering, audiology, disability policy, special education and majors that will impact quality of life of persons with disabilities.

Appel Law Firm Auto Accident Survivor Scholarship
Appel Law Firm offers an annual scholarship to college and graduate students who have been survivors of car accidents and have overcome their injuries. The winner receives $1,000 towards their school tuition.

The Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation
A $1000 to $2000 scholarship shall be awarded to two to three individuals with neurological disabilities, or the child of that person, for post high school education both spring and fall semester. Individuals suffering from a direct spinal cord injury or disease resulting in paralysis such as spinal tumors, strokes or aneurysms affecting the spinal cord, or spina bifida are given first priority.

More Scholarships

Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C  Disability Scholarship
The scholarship will award $1,000.00 to one student selected by our scholarship selection committee. The student must be attending an accredited college or university. The program is open to students of any age, with any type of disability, including but not limited to physical disabilities, medical conditions, mental or psychiatric conditions, speech and language, learning disabilities, behavioral conditions, and all other conditions.

Foundation for Science and Disability
The Student Award Program of FSD helps to increase opportunities in science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and pre medical/dental areas for graduate or professional students with disabilities.

Independence Foundation Scholarship
The Independence Foundation Scholarship was created to help individuals with physical disabilities pay for the ever growing expense of college. The Scholarship of $500 will be awarded to Three (3) individuals with a noteworthy physical disability. Mobility Scholarship Program
Just Walkers' has started a $1,000 scholarship for students with mobility disabilities and is offering a $1,000 scholarship to undergraduate or graduate students with a mobility disability.

Prepare before the first day

  • Complete an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), a written statement of the educational program designed to meet a child's individual means.
  • Research or speak to other parents about the available resources in your child's school or community
  • Send your child back to school with all the supplies they need to be comfortable and successful. Need catheters for your child, find some options at
  • Continuously monitor your child's environment at school

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