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5 Steps for Managing Diabetes | Type 1 and Type 2

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We’ll walk you through five steps to help you manage your diabetes so you can live a life you love. Written by:…

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Prediabetes: Key Risk Factors and Effective Lifestyle Changes

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If you’re at risk for type 2 diabetes, you may develop a condition known as “prediabetes” first. Here’s US MED’s guide to…

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Comparing the Best Insulin Pumps: Features, Pros, and Cons for Managing Diabetes

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What is the Best Insulin Pump for Your Diabetic Needs? Diabetes is a serious condition, and more people than ever are dealing…

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woman doing yoga

Insulin Pumps and CGMs: A Complete Guide for Diabetes Management

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How much is a CGM? How is an insulin pump different than a CGM? Get answers to these question and more in this product breakdown.

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CGM Devices

How to Apply a CGM Sensor

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It’s no secret that continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are popular among people with diabetes these days. If you’re wondering, “how is CGM inserted?,” keep reading for a complete guide to CGM installation and more. 

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Type 1 diabetes vs Type 2 diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes vs Type 2 Diabetes

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What is the Difference Between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes? If you’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you’re probably searching…

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Do I Need a CGM Prescription? Answers for People with Diabetes

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These days, most people with diabetes have at least heard of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). These devices allow you to test your…

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Managing Diabetes and Depression: Strategies for Your Mental Health

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Both diabetes and depression can be difficult conditions to manage – and that’s especially true when you’re dealing with both at the same time. Get advice on how to cope from US MED. 

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Managing Diabetes When You’re Sick: Essential Tips

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Many aspects of everyday life are more difficult when you’re managing diabetes, and that includes taking care of other illnesses. While colds…

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how to manage stress and high blood sugar

Can Stress Raise Blood Sugar? | A Guide to Managing Stress and Diabetes

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If you suspect stress may be affecting your ability to manage your diabetes, you’re not alone. Medical professionals have looked into possible…

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The Link Between Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: What You Need to Know

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Maintaining optimal cardiovascular health is paramount for individuals navigating life with diabetes. It’s a reality that those managing diabetes face an increased…

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How to Care for Diabetes: A Guide for Families and Caregivers

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Navigating the journey of diabetes care can be complex, but with the right knowledge and support, managing diabetes becomes more manageable. At…

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